Tuesday, July 25

Basics on breast augmentation

Breast augmentation, technically known as mamoplasty of augmentation, is a surgery procedure to improve the size and shape of women’s mammas. Before undergoing this surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your plastic surgeon.

The best candidates are those who want to improve (but not to make perfect) their physical appearance.

Mamoplasty of augmentation is a relatively safe procedure. Nevertheless, as any surgery procedure, there are risks. The most common problem is the contraction of the capsule that forms the system around the implant as a mechanism of defense against a strange body. This capsule starts making pressure over the implant, producing the mamma get a hard consistence. This capsular contraction can be treated in many ways, in certain occasions the capsule must be remove or broken, and in other cases the implant has to be removed or replaced.

As in any operation, excessive bleeding may cause inflammation and pain. If the bleeding is persistent, the patient has to go back to surgery to control the bleeding and get the accumulated blood removed.

A small percentage of women may develop pan infection around the implant. Sometimes, the implant must be removed for many months until the infectious process stops, and subsequently place a new one.

Some women present and increase or decrease of sensibility around the nipples. However, these symptoms may disappear in short time.

There are no evidences that breast implants affect fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding or produce cancer.

An implant break is another complication that may happen. If it does, there will be produced changes in the shape and consistency of the breast. As a consequence, the patient must undergo surgery to take out the broken implant and place a new one.

Some women have reported similar symptoms to the ones of the immune system disease, like scleroderma and other conditions like arthritis. These symptoms may include pain and inflammation of joints, temperature, fatigue and breast pain. Studies realized worldwide have demonstrated there is a direct relationship between silicon implants and alterations in the connective tissue.

In the initial consult, the doctor will evaluate your general condition, and will explain to you which is the appropriate surgery technique for you, based on the conditions of your mammas and skin tone.

Discuss clearly all your expectations with your surgeon. Be sincere and frank with him/her. Tell him/her if you smoke, take medication or drugs. The plastic surgeon has to inform you about the type of anesthesia he/she will use, the facilities of the place where the operation will be done and the costs. Since health insurance companies do not consider breast augmentation as a necessary medical procedure, they do not cover this surgery.

Breast augmentation is a surgery intervention realized in an ambulatory way; make sure that someone is with you that day to take you home after the operation.


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