Saturday, January 27

Chemical peeling

The principle of the chemical peeling is applying special chemical agents on the skin to produce epidermolysis and skin change.

The new growth of skin can replace the damaged areas and the slight defects, producing a cosmetic improvement.

Chemical peeling can de divided in 3 types according to the depth of reaction:

- Superficial peeling: Depth action from the granular layer to the papillary dermis. The chemical agents used for this process are the folic acid, 10 to 25% of TCA, Jessner solution and salicylic acid.

- Half deep peeling: Reaches the superior reticular dermis. The chemical agents used are: 35% to 50% of TCA combined with solid CO2, 70% of glycolic acid or Jessner solution.

- Deep peeling or phenol peeling: It can reach the half reticular dermis.

Patients usually develop a more pronounced hyper pigmentation and cicatrisation after medium and deep peelings.

The superficial chemical peelings, including the glycolic acids and the TCA are comparatively safer and have minimum side effects, as long as they are applied by experienced professionals.


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